Exclusive Photography Tours.

In recent years we have been visited by the excellent artist Mr. Ernest Leahy, various film makers and among several photographers, the amusing and late Mr. Gordon Langsbuyr, a most eminent natural history photographer, who brought with him a group of friends and colleagues, Chris Knights , David Tipling and John Gardner, all making an excellent work with Great Bustards. Mark Lane and Grodon Brahman also made great work with Lammergeiers. The excellent results and success they achieved, has prompted us to continue in the coming years with our photo tours designed specifically for working with some of the most famous and "handsome" Spanish specialities: Lammergeier, Wallcreeper, Crane and Great Bustard, to satisfy those who pursue the difficult art of photography in the field of wild birds.

In order to achieve the best results from your photo sessions, all sites have their own hides which have been used for several years. We work all the year round at the artificial feeding stations supplying food and using other methods to ensure that the birds are regular visitors to these areas. Most of the species can be photographed at a range of approx 50 metres or closer. Four to six full days is the time you will have to complete your photography, so you will have to be in the hide before dawn and leave just before dusk. Temperature will be very cold at this time of year so do not forget to pack warm clothes, boots, flask, etc.

In 2003 we had 5 photographers who joined our tour in Extremadura for Great Bustard, P Mugridge, Malcolm Schuyl, Gordon Brahman, Dave Watts and Chris Knights. I would like to give them our most sincere thanks for their trust in us.

I would like to specially mention Chris Knights, "the peasant" for making the tour a nonstop laugh-in full of amusing anecdotes.

In order to achieve the best results from your photo sessions, all sites have their own hides which have been used for several years. We work all the year round at the artificial feeding stations supplying food and using other methods to ensure that the birds are regular visitors to these areas. Most of the species can be photographed at a range of approx 50 metres or closer.

Four to six full days is the time you will have to complete your photography, so most of the tours you will have to be in the hide before dawn and leave just before dusk.

Join our photo tours, we were the pioneers in Spain, with us you will have the benefits of our experience and the professional work you demand and deserve.

Ignacio Yúfera , Daniel Cazo, Markus Varesvuo and Mina Varesvuo in Morocco shooting Egyptian Nightjar

Photographers who have joined BOLETAS photo tours

Gordon Langsbury, Gordon Bramham, Charlie Brown, Ian Brown, Gill Cardy, George Carr, Lesley Carr, Sylvian Cordier, Frederic Desmette, Jasper Doest, Dick Forsman, Jim France, John Gardner, Chris Hatch, Karen Hatch, Chris Knights, Michael Lane, Javier Martin, Philip Mugridge, Richard Price, Dave Richards, Malcolm Schuyl, David Tipplin, Hellen Williams, Dave Watts, Alan Heath, John Hawkins, Philip Newman, Mark Hamblin, Tony Hamblin, Robert Strauss, Genevieve Vallee, Markus Varesvuo, Jose Val, Felipe Foncueva, Michael Mendi , Marc Bia, Jorma Tenovuo, Oti Sarjakosky, Ignacio Yufera, Seppo Pollanen , John Timming , Michael Turner Cain, Karel Bartik, Jan Bartik.


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